sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

Comparison and Contrast Essay

Healthy food vs. Fast food

Many years ago, people ate food that do not contains, preservatives; moreover, people used to spend a lot of time cooking their own food. Therefore those people did not have problems by the food that they ate, because all the food that they ate was natural and healthy. However, nowadays many people, particularly young people prefer to eat fast food such as hamburger, pizza or fried chicken. As we can see there are two kind of food: healthy food and fast food. One way to decide between fast food and healthy food is to compare them on important points.
Both Fast food and Healthy food are delicious. As we know, we have a large variety in foods, for example you can imagine a hamburger or salad fruits both are delicious. While fast food and healthy food can both are appealing, the healthiest way to eat is by preparing our own food.
It is important to mention that in spite of the only one similarity about this topic; we can find differences through three perspectives: cost convenience and health.
Although fast food is cheaper, you can save more money if you eat healthy food. Many parents feel that they can save money when they eat super sized trios of pizza; they believe that an S/.20 of pizza to feed four people may seem like a bargain. However, when you consider the fact that fast food is addictive and unhealthy, suddenly the money that you have saved turns into millions of soles, because many people spend a lot of money as result of many diseases produced by eating fast food. The truth is that eating healthy food is cheaper.
Fast food is more convenient than healthy food. Many people in our country work log hours for that reason, they do not have time to find ingredients or prepare good food, so fast food is good alternative because fast food is quicker to prepare or purchase than healthy food. So that you can save time depending on the lifestyle of the person has. In fact, fast food is convenient because it can be obtained quickly and easily.
Healthy food is nutrient-rich, but fast food tends to be nutrient-poor even it is high in calories. It is important to know that fast food can fulfill our daily caloric needs; nevertheless, it exceed with ingredients that are detrimental to our health. For example fast food is high in saturated fats and trans fats, also it has preservatives, chemicals, artificial colors and flavors. Fast food affects our health and cause dangerous diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure. On other hand, healthy food preserves and protects our body from diseases, because it contains vitamins proteins and minerals.
In conclusion, both fast food and healthy food have their pros and cons, so we have to choose the best option and it should be said that eating healthier is a life style and intelligent choice.

jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Cause Effect Essay


Two year ago I had big problem, the doctor diagnosed me chronic Maculopathy and I thought that I would lose the vision, it was difficult for me because I can’t do activities that need  near vision since then, I spent most of the day sleeping, I felt tired all the time, in other words I had lost interest in activities that I used to enjoy for example: my mom was surprised when I stayed at home instead of joining  whit my friends, I didn’t  realized what happened, but I was depressed. There are many causes that produce depression and it is important to know the effects. 

There are many environmental events that cause depression. It is clear that some people develop depression after a stressful event; therefore environmental events are those things that happen in the course of our everyday lives such as loneliness, marital o relationship problems for example when people get divorced, financial problems especially when a business bankruptcy, early childhood trauma or abuse, alcohol or drug abuse and health problems similar to my case that I described in the introduction. As a result of those environmental events, many people suffer of depression and it can affect our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Environmental events are not the only cause of depression, but biological factors as well. We can find that many biological factors contribute to the depression and it is important to know that the biological factor include physical changes to the brain and it is known that some part of the depressed brain show less activity that normal brain; moreover, as a result of hormone changes in our body many people are depressed for example, we can see in persons who have menopause or thyroid problems. 

Due to many causes of depression, it brings about negative effects, such as psychological and physical problems.

As a result of depression, many people have psychological problems. As we know, depression is a serious medical illness that involves the brain, for that reason all people that have depression have many problems in their work because they are slow and less productive. Also, they make more mistakes. At home, they lack interest in their family. Finally it should be mentioned that, depressed people always have thoughts of death or suicide that is a fatal decision.

As result of depression many people have physical problems. Most depressed people from chronic fatigue; furthermore, they have a larger than normal risk of somatic illnesses for example headache, digestive problems, cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and so on.
In conclusion, It is so important to know the causes and effects of depression because if you know the cause of your depression it may help you to overcome the problem, taking an antidepressant is not only one solution but there are many natural treatment as well.

domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

Chronological Essay

How to introduce to your boyfriend to your parents

Nowadays many teenagers have a big problem with their parents, as we know the majority of the parents are overprotective or worried over the bad impression, and it is so difficult to make them know that you have a boyfriend; moreover, introducing your boyfriend to your parents can be a nightmare, especially if he is not the exact type of guy that your parents want to you. Whatever the reason, the support from parents in a relationship helps us to make the relationship run in a good way; therefore, there are three easy steps that you can use in order to create a good first impression when you introduce your boyfriend to your parents.
First, it is so important to talk to your parents. As we know the communication is the key to all relationship, first of all it is advisable that you talk to you mom first because she must have gone through the same thing when she was younger. Then, it is important to introduce your boyfriend to your siblings because they usually get along with him and that can help us to get the first best impression. Last, you have to talk with your father about the good qualities of your boyfriend.
Second, I suggested that you have to prepare your boyfriend .First, talk to your boyfriend in order to introduce him to your parents when he is ready. Second, give him advice on how to react when he will have some trouble with you parents. Next, give some information about some traditions that you have in your home for example if he must pray before dinner.
Finally, plan to have the meeting between your boyfriend and parents. First, of all, it is important to choose the best place, for example a restaurant or in your house, in other words somewhere your parents are most comfortable with. Next, the important thing that your boyfriend can do is to cause a good impression, for example he should avoid wearing jeans, he could wear a casual sweater and pants, just a little dressy, he does not have to rent a tux. Before sit down in the meeting he should shake your dad’s hand and hug or kiss your mom. Last, help him select a gift that is appropriated and as elegant as possible; however, not too expensive.
In conclusion, if you want to have a good time when you introduce your boyfriend to your parents you have to fallow the three easy shortcuts mentioned: First talk to your parents, prepare your boyfriend for the meeting and choose the best place for the meeting; it should be mentioned that the more information your boyfriend knows about your parents, the better prepared he will be.